Navigate to the Inventory tab, select bills, and click on Add new bill.
Enter the inventory information as follows:
- The inventory count will begin from the bill date.
- The date, ref number, warehouse, and vendor are required fields.
- Optional fields include the due date, container number, and vendor bill number.
Enter the item details: Fill in the item name, quantity, unit cost, total cost, and warehouses.
Additional features
To apply the same warehouse to all items on the bill, select a warehouse on any item and then confirm the selection in the pop-up window.
Save the bill as a draft by clicking save draft on top of the page.
To enter vendor credits, select the Credit option under the Add New Bill button.
Filter options
Filter bills by type, vendor, or date on the bills page.
Run reports of bills and credits by vendor under the List page in the Inventory tab.
For any further guidance, please reach out to support. We're here to help!