If you want to map your products using the blank template, jump to Blank Template Mapping Sheet.
Prefilled Data:
Column A - Product ASIN
Column B - Product SKU
Column C - Product Title
Required Feilds:
Column D - Type in the Quickbooks item name. This is the item ConnectBooks will use to import the sales/refunds in Quickbooks for the respective marketplace SKU.
Optional fields:
Column E - If you want Connectbooks to have a category for this item, or if you want ConnectBooks to export the sales for this item to a specific class in Quickbooks, please fill in the category/class in column C.
Column F - This column will need a simple “Yes” or “No”. This refers to whether ConnectBooks should create a new item in QuickBooks if the item in Column C doesn’t yet exist in QuickBooks.
If you enter “Yes”, a new item will be created in QuickBooks with the name in column C, If you enter “No”, it will only map the SKU to the item name referenced in Column C if it is already an existing QB item. Otherwise, it will remain unmapped. (By default if this column is left blank, ConnectBooks will not create a new Quickbooks item).
Multi-Pack Items:
Column G - This column is only used for Multi-packs. If you buy a product from the vendor as a one-pack, and sell it on Amazon as a two-pack, enter the number of items included in the pack.
Important note: if you buy and sell the item in the same quantity, (For example, if you buy an item in Quickbooks as a 3 pack, and sell it on Amazon as a 3 pack.) ignore this field.
Group Items:
If you sell multiple different items as a single SKU, you can map it by using multiple lines on the mapping sheet. See Screenshot :
Column H - This column is only used for group items (Multiple different items being sold together)
Enter the percentage of the total cost of each item (for example, if you sell a camera and camera case together, and the cost of the camera is $90, and the cost of the case is $10, you would enter 90% for the Camera SKU and 10% for the Camera Case SKU in the percentage fields for those items.)
Group Percent - To calculate the Group percentage:
Obtain the total cost of the group.
Take each individual cost and multiply it by 100.
Divide it by the group’s total cost.
Repeat these steps for each item.
Column I - If you Export with QB classes, and you want ConnectBooks to create a subclass for each QB item, Type in “Yes”, if not, ignore this field.