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How the ShipStation integration with CononectBooks works
How the ShipStation integration with CononectBooks works
Written by Moishe
Updated over a week ago

Once you connect your ShipStation account, we will start pulling the shipping cost for every Seller-fulfilled order. You can access the shipping fees in the reports section. Simply navigate to the reports tab and look for the "Other Fees" column. The shipping cost for each order will be displayed on a product level as "ShipStation Shipping".

By having access to this information, you can easily track your shipping costs and gain a better understanding of where your money is going. This can help you make more informed decisions when it comes to managing and optimizing your shipping process.

You can also download the shipping fees "per order" by clicking "more" next to the settlement on the Quickbooks Export Page

The shipping cost will only show up on the P&L and will not be imported into QuickBooks.

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